It is an interesting concept, to really comprehend, that what we focus on becomes our reality. However interesting, however cynical, however contemplative you may be, it is true. What the mind is constantly thinking, and what the body and emotions are feeling, is what you will experience, day to day. We have forgotten just how astounding the human brain and energy system is. We have become so compliant to the day to day routine that we forget that we have choices in this life that we are experiencing. 
There is a disease that is spreading through man, and that is a disease of the mind. It is a disease that allows you question your potential, your desires, your ability to create the life that calls to you in the moments of quiet calm. It is a disease that allows you to feel comfortable in situations that are not serving your highest good, because on some level you do not trust your self to be better than ok. It is a disease that allows you to sink down into the smallest part of the existence of your being, which is a tragedy and quite literally, a lower than life experience, that you have come to except as reality. This disease is not one you see, but feel. You see, the mind is a tricky thing. The mind is a very powerful antenna that is sending out vibes all day long and attracting back exactly what you are sending out into the world.
We must come to the space in which we experience our greatness, even for a moment, in which you begin to question what you have allowed to be your experience. This is my greatest hope for people. Find your peace, from that peace, find your strength, from that strength, find your courage, and from that courage, find your bravery to be vulnerable enough to begin to create the life you truly want. Nothing changes if you do not change. To break a cycle, to rise above, to change, to shift, is to know and become aware of the very thoughts and beliefs that keep you in the stagnant space you may be in.  
Take a step into a new existence, a new reality of affirming that you have the ability, the courage, the passion to begin to break out of any cycle you would like to change. This is where it begins, and this is where it ends, within you and within your minds thoughts. Write it down, make a note, record it and play it back, just be consistent. It is a very practical manner in which we use this power of the mind to shift our reality. Interesting, right? Attempt it! Trust it! Know it! The life you have envisioned, is not out of your reach, it is within you, and it is waiting for you to claim it. It’s not coming to get you, you must go to get it!  

This is truth, this is life, this is manifestation. You are a miracle and you perfectly created to have the life you choose, if you decide you are worthy and ready to to it!  
Move courageously, gently and so confidently into the new experience you wish to have, with yourself, and your whole life changes! Quiet the smallness of your ego and Light the fire of your soul! It all begins with a choice to say, I am willing to change my life! 
Happy Monday!  

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