OSHO ~ Love, Freedom, Aloneness ~ The Koan of Relationships ~Book Club

Happy 2015 and happy Tuesday morning! I have been eager to begin with this book and yet so many events have really kept my attention and focus busy. This book is incredibly insightful into the way that we love, as humans. I think it is a book that can bring a shift in the perception of love that we may have. Everyones ideals of love are different and we will be going on a journey of exploring what that means for us. Be ready to laugh and giggle with yourself and go deep into your being as you explore what love really means for you. Enjoy~

Part One ~ Love

“The english word love comes from the Sanskrit word Lobha; Lobha means greed.” Quite an interesting fact, right? Does it surprise you? Do you think it is coincidence that this word was created from the word greed? I think not. None the less, we are here to look at the word love and what it means for you. What does it mean to be in love, to love, to love thy self, to be selfish or selfless and explore the context and texture of which you are defining love and bringing forth into your life.

Chapter One ~ Lovey~Dovey

“The ordinary love is a demand, the real love is a sharing. It knows nothing of demand, it knows the joy of giving.”

Osho comes to the table with a very intense take on the experience and image of love in the world, today. I love it. I think he is spot on. As you read him, you may find yourself getting defensive or laughing out loud! I have definitely laughed out loud often at myself as I have read this book! He states, “The real love is a nourishment, it strengthens your soul. The ordinary love only feeds your ego – not the real you but the unreal you.” Love is all about giving, sharing, and being there, present with your love. We can love everything this way. When we love with no expectation and give to give and to be thankful that our love has been received, we are grateful. We are filled with more love as we are made aware that our love has been received. We love because it is a part of us and we want to share that love, not to get anything in return, but to be and share that love. Osho says that real love can not be frustrated because there is no expectation in the first place. I can not fully agree with this, yet. I am going to work to let that in : ) The point is that we are here to love and when we love from the heart and don’t let the overactive ego get involved, we begin to experience it at a much deeper level. It becomes a love affair with ourselves, as well. We treat the other as we would want to be loved. We see the dark corners and we love them whole. We don’t always get what we want from the other, and that is ok. We begin to look at love as an experience as a whole. We become committed to love. We become committed to the serving love, not as a victim, not as a servant of another, but as a being committed to the experience of real love.

Serve love through the lover…

Do you agree with his thoughts on concern vs. consideration? Do you agree that love is either serving the heart or the ego? Do you understand what he is saying as he expresses the beauty of loving without attachment, loving with the commitment to be in love. DO you agree that as you love a flower, you love your lover, as you love the sun, you love your lover?

The end paragraph speaks volume to me. It touches me, deeply. He states, “If I have to choose between the words love and God, I will choose love; I will forget all about God, because those who know love are bound to know God. But it is not vice versa: Those who think about God and philosophize about God may never know about love – and will never know about God, either”.

Looking forward to sharing this journey with you ~

Book Club ~ The Untethered Soul ~ Chapter 8 ~ Let Go Now or Fall

Good Sunday morning!  What an amazing morning it is!  This chapter is by far my favorite and I assume that each one will be from here on out : )  This is a lot of the type of work I do with clients as they come in aware that they have all these wounds that they need to be free from.  It can ruin our daily lives to not be aware of how old wounds, pains and fears can keep us stagnant and creating the same old dramas, day in and day out.  The control you attempt to have to keep people from seeing them, triggering them and basically keeping yourself from truly having a vulnerable and happy life.  You are doing this unconsciously, well not you per say, but anyone struggling with fears and questioning why they can not find happiness.   The key is to let it go.  It is always the answer.  There is nothing in this life that is worthy of us carrying it around in a suitcase of harbored pains and resentments that we continue to attract to us because it is where our focus sits.  The world can become frightening and scary and unfair if we continue see through the wounded perception that we have not been able to let go of.  And as you pain yourself over and over, you also begin to pain those around you as you constantly project out the notion that they, too, will ultimately create the same scenario because this is what you know, expect and are unaware that you continue to create.  If we can get to a place where we become truly aware that these wounds are being hit on when things like this happen, we can see it as an opportunity to become free!  It really is that simple too, however all of the thoughts and feelings that you have held on to, unknowingly, will not allow you to do this.  It wants to keep you protected from feeling this way, so you run, or you defend or you blame.  All these things add up to more pain that you create for yourself.  Often I do have people that come to me that think if they leave their partners or their job, their life will get better.  Well, as i understand that this can at times create the space you need, it is often after you have done the work of healing those wounded places you can have any clarity as such.  I mean really, when you are walking around with arrows sticking out of your body from old fears, old wounds and old pains, how can anyone truly love and support you?  You are not being honest when you think you are.  It is easier to come from a place of control or anger or blame than to look at any possibility you had anything to do with how you are feeling.  And then, if you become aware enough or trust enough to attempt to sit back and let go in the moment of the clenching, the anger, the fear and just allow yourself to feel it, and then let it move and then cry or scream or do whatever it takes to feel that some of this energy lets go, you can begin to experience the freedom that comes from letting go.  Let me ask you this, how freeing would it be, if you could never ever again blame anyone for how you feel?  I mean never ever!!!  Life is all about you and how you see it and how you choose to experience it.  You would no longer attempt to look at everything everyone else is doing wrong.  You just stay focused on you and how you are feeling and always stay in the most positive state you know.  Learning to let go of everything around you so that you can just be the experiencer, the one that watches, is aware and never ever blames again.  You would take your power back, you would begin to become more clear that work that needs done is on you, in you and no one else.  Let everyone else do their own work and have empathy for their path as well. 


If you truly want to grow, you know that you must let go of your stuff… That is why most of you are reading this.  That is what most of us want.  Lets do it… Break on through the lie.  Break out of your box you have created.  Be brave and be free to let go of anything that has hurt you, knowing it is just an experience.  It is not truth, it is true, but it is not truth.  Truth is that you are free to be whatever you choose, feel whatever you choose to feel.  Lets continue to move in the direction of always being open, always being free and always able to let go!!!  Happy Sunday!